About HFSP

Good Vibes (RGP0003/2022) was selected after a rigorous, multi-stage review process by internationally highly acclaimed scientists and an independent Review Panel, the Board of Trustees…


Recent Publications from GoodVibes

2023. Nerse et al. PROPENSITY TO EFFICIENTLY TRANSMIT VIBRATIONS IN SNAPDRAGONS IN RESPONSE TO VIBROACOUSTIC SIGNALLING. Proceedings of the 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. See pdf.

Selected Publications from our Unit Teams




Insect Behaviour Lab

Based in Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi, University of Torino (Turin, Italy).


Francesca Barbero (PI) and Luca Casacci (Research Associate).

Research interest: Mechanisms of sexual selection, the quantitative analysis of acoustic signals and the multiplicity of their functions, focusing on morphological constraints affecting animal communication. We also study the relationship that Lepidoptera have with their nourishing plants, studying the choices made by the females during oviposition. We focus on identifying the physico-chemical characteristics of plant organs used by caterpillars and the volatile chemical signals (VOCs) used as attractants by females.


Paper 1


Paper 2


Paper 3


Paper 4




Orchestration of plant Metabolism Lab

TOMSBio lab is based in the Program of Systems Biology of Molecular Interactions and Regulation, at the Institute of Integrative Systems Biology (Valencia, Spain).


José Tomás Matus (PI), David Navarró-Payá (postdoc) and Jone Etxeberria (PhD)

Research interest: in the transcriptional regulation of secondary metabolism, including genomic analyses of transcription factor families and global gene expression analyses. The current focus of the laboratory is the study at a global level of gene regulatory networks that control production of pigments, aromas and other metabolites in fleshy fruits, flowers and species of pharmaceutical importance.


Gene networks of plant metabolism




Biogenic Dynamics Lab

Embedded in the “Vibration laboratory” within the Centre for Audio, Acoustics and Vibration at UTS TechLab (Sydney, Australia).

Sebastian Oberst (PI) and Can Nerse (postdoc)

Research objective: to exploit mechanisms found in natural esp. biological structures and insect behaviour; eg we study the communication of insects using sophisticated experimental techniques, nonlinear time series analysis and computational intelligence methods to gain fundamental knowledge in acoustics and vibration, sensory physiology, and their biogenic materials.